You have made our first home building experience most enjoyable. You truly built us the home of our dreams! From start to finish, you never let us down. Your experience, quality, craftsmanship, knowledge, and integrity to fulfill all of your commitments really made for a relaxing and exciting home building experience.
During our building process, you incorporated our design and material changes, allowed us to do some of the work ourselves, and let us select some of our own subcontractors. Legacy Custom Homes & Renovations was very responsive to our own ideas and changes, all while keeping us on budget. The craftsmanship and quality of your work also exceeded our expectations. Legacy Custom Homes & Renovations continually ensured the best craftsmanship from start to finish.
Legacy Custom Homes & Renovations was very thorough in your plans and budgets. You didn’t have any hidden or unexpected costs. In fact, wherever you saved money you put it back into the house and not your own pocket. I am sure this is not a common practice in the building industry and for that we thank you!
I would definitely recommend Legacy Custom Homes & Renovations to anyone. That is, to anyone who is looking for a home with the finest quality, craftsmanship, and builder they can trust.
- The Miller Family
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